Is there a provision in splunk for notification of alerts in case of the switch or the port is up or down through which the events are generated in the network ?
For eg in the case of firewall notifications, an immediate alert is generated is there is some malicious behavior is suspected.
Does splunk offers the provision for the alerts to be generated and handled. More so, a provision for reports on it is there ?
Yes, you can set up saved searches or real time searches to look for a set of criteria, and when the criteria is met, you can configure Splunk to send you an email. To see a description of alerting and instructions for it's configuration, please see:
Yes, you can set up saved searches or real time searches to look for a set of criteria, and when the criteria is met, you can configure Splunk to send you an email. To see a description of alerting and instructions for it's configuration, please see: