This seems to be still an issue, I had to update the script to reflect on how information is presented in RHEL. Using stevenriggs post above, we added following code. The main difference is that we are now using grep "release 7" to avoid grep RHEL 6.7
if [ "x$KERNEL" = "xLinux" ] ; then
if grep -q "release 7" /etc/redhat-release ; then
#This is RedHat or CentOS 7
assertHaveCommand ifconfig
assertHaveCommand dmesg
CMD_LIST_INTERFACES="eval ifconfig | tee $TEE_DEST | grep flags | grep -Ev lo | tee -a $TEE_DEST | cut -d':' -f1 | tee -a $TEE_DEST"
GET_MAC='{if ($0 ~ /ether /) { mac = $2 }}'
GET_IPv4='{if ($0 ~ /inet /) {split($2, a, " "); IPv4 = a[1]}}'
GET_IPv6='{if ($0 ~ /inet6 /) { IPv6 = $2 }}'
GET_COLLISIONS='{if ($0 ~ /collisions /) { collisions = $11 }}'
GET_RXbytes='{if ($0 ~ /RX packets /) { RXbytes = $5 }}'
GET_RXerrors='{if ($0 ~ /RX errors /) {RXerrors = $3}}'
GET_TXbytes='{if ($0 ~ /TX packets /) { TXbytes = $5 }}'
GET_TXerrors='{if ($0 ~ /TX errors /) {TXerrors= $3}}'
FILL_BLANKS='{length(speed) || speed = "<n/a>"; length(duplex) || duplex = "<n/a>"; length(IPv4) || IPv4 = "<n/a>"; length(IPv6) || IPv6= "<n/a>"}'
BEGIN='BEGIN {RXbytes = TXbytes = collisions = 0}'
echo "$HEADER"
for iface in `$CMD_LIST_INTERFACES`
# ethtool(8) would be preferred, but requires root privs; so we use dmesg(8), whose [a] source can be cleared, and [b] output format varies (so we have less confidence in parsing)
SPEED=`ethtool $iface | grep Speed: | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2`
DUPLEX=`ethtool $iface | grep Duplex: | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2`
$CMD $iface | tee -a $TEE_DEST | awk "$BEGIN $GET_ALL $FILL_BLANKS $PRINTF" name=$iface speed=$SPEED duplex=$DUPLEX
echo "Cmd = [$CMD $iface]; | awk '$BEGIN $GET_ALL $FILL_BLANKS $PRINTF' name=$iface speed=$SPEED duplex=$DUPLEX" >> $TEE_DEST
#This is everything but RedHat or CentOS 7
assertHaveCommand ifconfig
assertHaveCommand dmesg
CMD_LIST_INTERFACES="eval ifconfig | tee $TEE_DEST | grep 'Link encap:Ethernet' | tee -a $TEE_DEST | cut -d' ' -f1 | tee -a $TEE_DEST"
GET_MAC='{NR == 1 && mac = $5}'
GET_IPv4='{if ($0 ~ /inet addr:/) {split($2, a, ":"); IPv4 = a[2]}}'
GET_IPv6='{$0 ~ /inet6 addr:/ && IPv6 = $3}'
GET_COLLISIONS='{if ($0 ~ /collisions:/) {split($1, a, ":"); collisions = a[2]}}'
GET_RXbytes='{if ($0 ~ /RX bytes:/) {split($2, a, ":"); RXbytes= a[2]}}'
GET_RXerrors='{if ($0 ~ /RX packets:/) {split($3, a, ":"); RXerrors=a[2]}}'
GET_TXbytes='{if ($0 ~ /TX bytes:/) {split($6, a, ":"); TXbytes= a[2]}}'
GET_TXerrors='{if ($0 ~ /TX packets:/) {split($3, a, ":"); TXerrors=a[2]}}'
FILL_BLANKS='{length(speed) || speed = "<n/a>"; length(duplex) || duplex = "<n/a>"; length(IPv4) || IPv4 = "<n/a>"; length(IPv6) || IPv6= "<n/a>"}'
BEGIN='BEGIN {RXbytes = TXbytes = collisions = 0}'
echo "$HEADER"
for iface in `$CMD_LIST_INTERFACES`
# ethtool(8) would be preferred, but requires root privs; so we use dmesg(8), whose [a] source can be cleared, and [b] output format varies (so we have less confidence in parsing)
SPEED=`dmesg | awk '/[Ll]ink( is | )[Uu]p/ && /'$iface'/ {for (i=1; i<=NF; ++i) {if (match($i, /([0-9]+)([Mm]bps)/)) {print $i} else { if (match($i, /[Mm]bps/)) {print $(i-1) "Mb/s"} } } }' | sed '$!d'`
DUPLEX=`dmesg | awk '/[Ll]ink( is | )[Uu]p/ && /'$iface'/ {for (i=1; i<=NF; ++i) {if (match($i, /([\-\_a-zA-Z0-9]+)([Dd]uplex)/)) {print $i} else { if (match($i, /[Dd]uplex/)) {print $(i-1) } } } }' | sed 's/[-_]//g; $!d'`
$CMD $iface | tee -a $TEE_DEST | awk "$BEGIN $GET_ALL $FILL_BLANKS $PRINTF" name=$iface speed=$SPEED duplex=$DUPLEX
echo "Cmd = [$CMD $iface]; | awk '$BEGIN $GET_ALL $FILL_BLANKS $PRINTF' name=$iface speed=$SPEED duplex=$DUPLEX" >> $TEE_DEST
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