I need help on passing a field value from a Dashboard table into a "Link to search" drilldown but can't figure it out.
I have a table that contains a "host" field. I am needing to be able to click on any of the returned hosts and drill into all of the events for that host.
I've tried in hopes that the $host$ would be replaced with the actual host name with this drilldown query:
source="udp:514" host="$host$.doman.com"
but, of course failed, it just get's replaced with "*".
I'm sure I'm probably way off on how to do this, but any help would be awesome. 🙂
Thanks in advance.
Hey guys,
Thanks for the quick help, still stuck for some reason. So I've tried $row.host$ and $result.host$ but they both result in just passing $xxx.host$ for some reason. Here's the config:
Here's the resulting search:
Here's the table query:
index="netscaler" host=*
| rex field="servicegroupname" "\?(?<Name>[^\?]+)"
| rex field="servicegroupname" "(?<ServiceGroup>[^\?]+)"
| rename "state" AS LastStatus
| eval Component = host."|".servicegroupname
| search Name=*
| eval c_time=strftime(Time,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
| streamstats window=1 current=f global=f values(LastStatus) as Status by Component
| where LastStatus!=Status
| rename _time as "Date"
| eval Date=strftime(Date, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
| table Date, host, ServiceGroup, Name, Status, LastStatus
And, here's a screenshot of the table if helpful. 🙂
Thanks again for the help on this one, very much appreciated.
Ok so we know row and results works in other environments. Something should be there based upon what we have seen from your SPL and table results. I would recommend saving the updated drill down, then log out of splunk, close browser and clear cache/cookies, log into splunk, and reload dashboards.
Thanks, I tried the steps, but same thing occurred. I then quickly set up a Classic Dashboard instead of a Dashboard Studio, and it works. Looks like either an issue with Studio, of maybe it's just done differently. 🙂
Thanks again,
I had assumed you were doing Classic XML to start, Dashboard Studio is slightly different I can try testing later.
Sorry about that, I didn't think it would matter. Looks like it does. I've created a Support ticket for this as well. Hopefully, they'll get back to me. If they do, I'll let you know the solution with Studio. 🙂
Thanks again,
In Dashboard Studio it's $row.<<fieldname>>.value$.
This is a better answer than mine. $results$ will only pick up the first result rather than the row clicked.
Use $results.host$