I have event like below and I am trying to create a common field for CI_Name / Hostname /IP_Address and name it as Generic_HostName.
2023-06-21 07:46:38.701, CI_Name="abc.xyz.net", Hostname="abc", Domain="xyz.net", System_Role="DR", Environment="DR", IP_Address="", Tier1="Hosting", Tier2="Processing unit", Tier3="Server", BU="poc", Operating_System="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9", OS_Version="7.9",
So when I do a stats on Generic_Hostname, the result should have CI_Name, Hostname, IP_Address.
index=* | stats count by Generic_Hostname
How can I achieve this?
The command you are looking for is mvappend.
Generic_Hostname = mvappend(CI_Name, Hostname, IP_Address)
Hope this helps.
Thank you @yuanliu. This is exactly what I was looking for.