😞 I will put some sample data here for better understanding of my usecase. Index A contains events like below. Here I already did a field extraction for IP address Hostname FQDN and named it as Reporting host. This is basically list of servers that are forwarding logs. 2023-02-21 00:14:43.6543016070 2023-02-21 00:14:43.6213010920 abc.domain.net 2023-02-21 00:14:43.6543016070 2023-02-21 00:14:43.6213010920 xyz.domain.net 2023-02-21 00:14:43.6543016070 2023-02-21 00:14:43.6213010920 pqr so when I index=A | stats count by Reporting_host, the result is below. First of the query works. Reporting_Host abc.domain.net xyz.domain.net pqr Now I have second index which is from our CMDB which contains Server information like owner, BU, location etc. 2023-02-20 07:47:14.269, CI_Name="xyz.domain.net", Hostname="xyz", Domain="example.com", Environment="QA", IP_Address="", Tier1="Hosting", Tier2="Processing unit", Tier3="Server", Operating_System="windows", OS_Version="Server 2016", Priority="Priority_5", Server_Owner="Owner3" 2023-02-20 07:47:14.269, CI_Name="pqr.domain.net", Hostname="pqr", Domain="example.com", Environment="QA", IP_Address="", Tier1="Hosting", Tier2="Processing unit", Tier3="Server", Operating_System="windows", OS_Version="Server 2016", Priority="Priority_5", Server_Owner="owner2" 2023-02-20 07:47:14.269, CI_Name="Host1.domain.net", Hostname="Host1", Domain="example.com", Environment="QA", IP_Address="", Tier1="Hosting", Tier2="Processing unit", Tier3="Server", Operating_System="windows", OS_Version="Server 2016", Priority="Priority_5", Server_Owner="owner1" My usecase is I need to map the Reporting_host from index A with index B data and get the server information. Challenge I am facing here is, Reporting_host as shown above is list of IP address, FQDN, Hostnames ( all comes in separate events like some hosts are reporting with IP address, some are reporting with FQDN and rest with IP address so the results) so how can I compare REporting_host with CMDB data and get the Server information. If the Reporting_host comes in one format like hostname or IP address the comparison could have been easy so I will just use join and the common field would be Reporting_host comparing it with Hostname in index B. Since the Reporting_host is has 3 different formats how do I compare them ? I hope I explained my usecase in detail now. Sorry for too many post. For above ex: my output should be Reporting_Host Server_Owner Owner1 xyz.domain.net Owner3 pqr Owner2
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