I solved it by accident. I used the "top" command, which automatically adds the count and the percentage to the table. So, solved.
I solved it by accident. I used the "top" command, which automatically adds the count and the percentage to the table. So, solved.
Hi @a_vobard
That's nothing but top command, you can try this
index=re | top linecount
an upvote would be appreciated and Accept solution if this reply helps!
the linecount is one of the numbers I need. What I need is actually such table:
The Numbers in red I am missing. So I need these numbers:
- Total errors
- Number of specific errors
- Percentage of specific errors
I searched in the internet for this because it seamed for me as something basic, but unfortunately didn't find the answers.
Another question: How do you save the linecount in an column, so that I can use it in a table. Something like
| top linecount as Linecount...but this doesn't work....