I have Splunk 8.0.5:
I would like to create a weekly report showing:
Is there already some canned report for this (licensing dashboard?) or would anyone have a custom query?
1. Query to get the license usage per day for index(idx), source(s), sourcetype(st) , host(h) can be pulled from license_usage file. Use the values mentioned in brackets in the timechart.
For each index:
index=_internal host=licenseserver source="*license_usage.log" type=usage idx="*" | eval MB = round(b/1048576,2) | eval st_idx = idx | timechart span=1d sum(MB) by idx limit=0
2. To further drilldown. We can use the below query but this will calculate by going through each events.
index=* | eval esize=len(_raw) | stats sum(esize) as size by index host source sourcetype | eval size_in_GB=(size/1024/1024/1024)
1. Query to get the license usage per day for index(idx), source(s), sourcetype(st) , host(h) can be pulled from license_usage file. Use the values mentioned in brackets in the timechart.
For each index:
index=_internal host=licenseserver source="*license_usage.log" type=usage idx="*" | eval MB = round(b/1048576,2) | eval st_idx = idx | timechart span=1d sum(MB) by idx limit=0
2. To further drilldown. We can use the below query but this will calculate by going through each events.
index=* | eval esize=len(_raw) | stats sum(esize) as size by index host source sourcetype | eval size_in_GB=(size/1024/1024/1024)
Thanks for the reply! Just what I needed and much appreciated.
Have you looked at the Monitoring Console?