I am looking for a specific dashboard to detect when an event/log source is no longer sending events. The dashboard has to show and/or indicate with host is no longer sending events. I have something like this as an example, it of course does not work.
index=firewall host=servername | eval status=case (Count < 3,"Host Stopped Sending Data") | table host status Count | dedup 1 host | sort by status, count
If the firewall index has data from only one source, you could try this.
index=firewall | stats count by host | where count<3
Give this a try (assuming threshold is time, like no data came in last 30 mins)
| metadata type=hosts index=firewall | where host="yourhostname" | eval status=case (recentTime<relative_time(now(),"-30m"),"Host Stopped Sending Data","All is well") | table host status totalCount
Hi @somesoni2 when i try this, i get "Error in 'eval' command: The arguments to the 'case' function are invalid." do you know why this is the case?
This post is from 2016...Here's some info from community slack..
There are a lot of options for finding hosts or sources that stop submitting events:
Meta Woot! https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2949/
TrackMe https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4621/
Broken Hosts App for Splunk https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3247/
Alerts for Splunk Admins ("ForwarderLevel" alerts) https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3796/
Monitoring Console https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/DMC/Configureforwardermonitoring
Deployment Server https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/DepMon/latest/DeployDepMon/Troubleshootyourdeployment#Forwarde...
Some helpful posts:
Thanks, some useful links here.
If the firewall index has data from only one source, you could try this.
index=firewall | stats count by host | where count<3
The improved DMC has the view of forwarders which haven't phoned home in the past hour/day, etc. Would it be good for you?