Dashboards & Visualizations

How do I create Punchcard that sorts bins with color?


Im trying to make a punchcard to visualize incoming issues per hour in the prvious week.
This is the result i get with the following code: 




| eval issues="Issue Priority"
| stats count(issues) by date_hour date_wday





I really want to get more bins like on the right side so that i can assign values with color. E.g. 0<10 = green, 11<70 = yellow, 71<150=red. 

Something i need to include?

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1 Solution


I haven't used that viz before but it looks like (from the documentation) that you just need to eval another field

| eval issues="Issue Priority"
| stats count(issues) as count by date_hour date_wday
| eval range=case(count < 11, "Green", count < 70, "Yellow", count < 150, "Red")

View solution in original post


Thank you!
It worked with the Categorical color mode.

0 Karma


I haven't used that viz before but it looks like (from the documentation) that you just need to eval another field

| eval issues="Issue Priority"
| stats count(issues) as count by date_hour date_wday
| eval range=case(count < 11, "Green", count < 70, "Yellow", count < 150, "Red")
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