I am trying to add a break time into a cycle time that I am tracking. So the _time field pulls when the start of a cycle is. I have been using the delta function to gather the duration between the cycles. The problem that I am running into that the cycles stay on during breaks and lunch time which will add 15 or 30 minutes to the cycle time. I am hoping this is something east to account for.
The problem in my mind is that I want the solution to be scalable to multiple days. I am looking to add 15 minutes to any cycle that was started from 8:50-9:15 or 30 minutes to something 11:50-12:30. An example from the data
_time duration
2020-10-26 12:40:32.593 | -0.003 |
2020-10-26 12:40:32.577 | -0.016 |
2020-10-26 12:35:29.080 | -303.497 |
2020-10-26 12:35:29.058 | -0.022 |
2020-10-26 12:35:28.967 | -0.091 |
2020-10-26 12:30:25.567 | -303.400 |
2020-10-26 12:30:25.547 | -0.020 |
2020-10-26 11:50:01.608 | -2423.939 |
See if this helps. It uses a case statement to see if _time is between 8:50 and 9:15 or between 11:50 and 12:30. There are a few hoops to jump through before that to get the starting time.
<your search>
| eval hr=strftime(_time,"%H"), min=strftime(_time,"%M")
| eval startMin=(hr*60)+min
| eval adder=case(startMin>=((8*60)+50) AND startMin<=((9*60)+15),15, startMin>=((11*60)+50) AND startMin<=((12*60)+30), 30, 1==1, 0)
| eval duration=duration+adder