this problem was much more complicated than i expected, but i finally figured it out.
the first step i had to take was to break my search down. i removed the avg so what i ended up with was a table of counts and times. this let me do a post process drilldown from the graph and get the count values and time at the click.value. but this is where i ran into my next problem.
since i was not using timechart but just charting values i couldnt pass a time range, only the click value. the closest i could get was a unix time string. well i ended up nesting functions and assigning the value to earliest and latest. looks like this:
eval dStart= strftime(relative_time(_time, "-2h@h"), "%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S") | eval dEnd= strftime(relative_time(_time, "+2h@h"), "%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S") | table day:hour, count, last_week dStart, dEnd, by _time | search day:hour="$click1.value$"
hope this helps the next person..
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