I have a logfile which contains a set of performance related transactional data. I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around a proper search that will allow me to easily see transactions that are abnormally long.
Transactions are grouped together by name, thread id, and client-thread id (with a + or - indicating the start or end of the transaction)
Here's an example of what I'm looking at:
timestamp thread:123 client-thread:128 +login fred
timestamp thread:124 client-thread:132 +login lisa-hannigan
timestamp thread:123 client-thread:128 -login fred
timestamp thread:123 client-thread:127 +search fred searchstring
timestamp thread:145 client-thread: +flushcache flush system cache
timestamp thread:124 client-thread:132 +search lisa-hannigan searchstring
timestamp thread:126 client-thread:139 +search lisa-hannigan searchstring
timestamp thread:145 client-thread: -flushcache
timestamp thread:123 client-thread:127 +search fred searchstring
timestamp thread:145 client-thread: +buildcache build system cache
timestamp thread:124 client-thread:132 -search lisa-hannigan searchstring
timestamp thread:126 client-thread:139 -search lisa-hannigan searchstring
timestamp thread:145 client-thread: -buildcache build system cache
I've built a regex that extracts the field data I need, but I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around a search string that will wrap the transactions appropriately. My "action" field contains +login/-login, +search/-search, etc.
I need to group these together: somehow pair up the +action and the -action, and I also need to match on both thread id and client thread id (which may be null).
My field data looks like:
for the first line. I can adjust this if necessary. I'm wondering if this might be easier if I separate that out into action=login and actionstartend=+ . I only show 4 action types here, but there are about 130 different actions, so I'd rather not have to do a search per action (i.e. login, search, flushcache, buildcache)
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