I have this search string shown below, it is perfect except that it does not show any values of the X-axis of the chart. What i'm wanting is to have hourly increments on the x-axis i.e. 12, 1, 2, etc... Your time is appreciated!
index = ims IMS1 earliest = -90d@d latest = -1d@d
| eval dow = tonumber(strftime(_time,"%w"))
| where dow!=0 AND dow!=6
| eval TDay=strftime(now(), "%F")
| eval QDay=strftime(_time,"%F")
| convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d" mktime(TDay)
| convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d" mktime(QDay)
| eval tdiff=(TDay-QDay)/86400
| eval new_time=_time+86400*tdiff
| eval _time=if(isnotnull(new_time), new_time, _time)
| eval Max_Peak = 20000
|bin _time span=15m
|stats first(Max_Peak) as Max_Peak avg(Tran_Count) as Normal_Day perc95(Tran_Count) as tempUpper perc10(Tran_Count) as Lower by _time
| eval Upper=tempUpper-Lower
| table _time Upper Normal_Day Lower Max_Peak
| join type=outer _time [search index = ims IMS1 earliest = -0d@d latest = now | timechart span=15m avg(Tran_Count) as IMS1_Today_AVG]
| join type=outer _time [search index = ims IMS2 earliest = -0d@d latest = now | timechart span=15m avg(Tran_Count) as IMS2_Today_AVG]
| join type=outer _time [search index = ims IMS3 earliest = -0d@d latest = now | timechart span=15m avg(Tran_Count) as IMS3_Today_AVG]
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