Hi @Luis_Torres, First, are you specifying the sid and SSOID arguments (example values show below) when running download? You'll get an error message just like this if you don't specify them, if the values are incorrect, or if the session they refer to is expired. All Splunkbase downloads are authenticated, so it's mandatory to supply these. The sid value is case-sensitive alphanumeric, so it can be easy to mistake "0" "o" and "O", for example. The SSOID value should be all hexadecimal (0-9, a-f). It's also worth double-checking that you actually have permissions to write to the directory where you're saving to. By default, the script will write to your current directory. If none of that works, can you let me know if this is happening for all apps, or only a single app? If the latter, can you let me know the App ID and App Version you're trying to download? Thanks, Tyler
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