I have two drop-down inputs(from and to) where the user can choose the duration of the data to be displayed. I want to use the current month as default of the 2 inputs. How can I do that?
Here is my xml code for my 2 inputs.
<input id="input1" type="dropdown" token="from_tok" searchWhenChanged="true">
| rename "Approver Name" as Approver_Name, "Item Type" as Item_Type, "Leave End Date" as "Leave_End_Date", "Leave Start Date" as "Leave_Start_Date", "Leave Type" as "Leave_Type" ,"Total Working Hours on Leave" as Total_Working_Hours_on_Leave, "Supervisor Name" as Supervisor_Name
| eval start=strptime(Leave_Start_Date,"%m/%d/%Y"), getend=strptime(Leave_End_Date,"%m/%d/%Y"), end=relative_time(getend, "+1day")
| eval between= mvrange(start, end, "1d")
| mvexpand between
| sort between
| eval c_time_show=strftime(between,"%B-%Y") , c_time_tok=strftime(between,"%b-01-%y"), default=now(), default=strftime(default,"%B-%Y"),
default_tok=now(), default_tok=strftime(default_tok,"%b-01-%y")
| table c_time_show c_time_tok default default_tok
| dedup c_time_show c_time_tok default</query>
<input id="input2" type="dropdown" token="to_tok" searchWhenChanged="true">
|dedup EID,"Resource Name","Leave Start Date","Leave Type"
| eval start_date= strptime('Leave Start Date',"%m/%d/%Y"),
end_date=relative_time(relative_time(strptime('Leave End Date',"%m/%d/%Y"),"@d"), "+1day"),
| mvexpand between
| eval insert=strftime(between,"%m/%d/%Y"), LSD=strptime(insert,"%m/%d/%Y"), _time=LSD
| convert ctime(between) timeformat="%A"
| rename "Total Working Hours on Leave" as total_working_hours
| eval NoOfLeaveDays=mvcount(mvfilter(NOT match(between,"(Saturday|Sunday).*"))), hours=round(total_working_hours/NoOfLeaveDays,1)
| eval Leaves_value= case(match(between,"Saturday"),"",match(between,"Sunday"),"", 1=1,hours)
| rename "Training Name" as tn
| eval ftrain=Leaves_value."#".tn
| eval fv = case(Leaves_value="EH",Leaves_value,Leaves_value="H",Leaves_value,Leaves_value="-",Leaves_value,Leaves_value="",Leaves_value,1=1,ftrain)
| timechart span=1d last(fv) by EID limit=0
| eval twoway= strptime(strftime(_time,"%d/%m/%y"),"%d/%m/%y")
| eval get_tok="$from_tok$", make=strptime(get_tok,"%b-%d-%y") ,between=strptime(strftime(_time,"%b-%d-%y"),"%b-%d-%y")
| where make <= between
| eval c_time_tok=strftime(_time,"%b-%d-%y"),c_time_show=strftime(_time,"%B-%Y")
| eventstats last(c_time_tok) as c_time_tok by c_time_show
| table c_time_show c_time_tok
| sort twoway
| dedup c_time_tok</query>
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