In windows environment,
1. Splunk DB connect log files are stored in C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\log\splunk folder
the files are splunk_app_db_connect_*.log
3. Splunk DB connect rising values are stored in C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\lib\splunk\modinputs\server\splunk_app_db_connect
A file with the connection name stores the values of the rising column
If rising columns are are not working, it is possible that " C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\lib\splunk\modinputs\server\splunk_app_db_connect" folder is ready only. So DB Connect is not able to update the check point files with recent values. Change the permissions on the folder/file to and Read+Write and rising columns should start working.
It is not a must to specify each field in the Select statement. We can simply use * , for example
"Select * from "SYSTEM"."CUSTOMERS" where CustomerID > ? ORDER by CustomerID ASC
Raja Rajesh
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