This is how I included your recommendation, thank you! I will double check my results and see if there is anything wrong. Let me know if you see any inconsistencies in the code. Thanks again!
| stats sum(ActualPTDCostsAMT) as ActualTotal, sum(LEThisMthCostsAMT) as LETotal by Project
| eval ActualTotal=-ActualTotal, LETotal=-LETotal, n=max(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,0,MonthNum)
| eval divisor1= case(Project=="1405688",14-n, true(),15-n),
divisor2= case(Project=="1408525",n-3,Project=="1410522",n-4,Project=="1404501",n-4,
Project=="1409599",n-3, true(),n)
| eval YTDAvg=(ActualTotal/divisor2), YTGAvg=(LETotal-ActualTotal)/divisor1
| eval Ratio=YTGAvg/YTDAvg
| eval Number=1
| table Project,Ratio,Number
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