I would like to hide the following results in bold and only have the final eval statement show. I am only doing the calculations for the last eval statement.
source="Dataset_Finance.csv" host="sample" index="dataintegration" sourcetype="SampleFinance" ObjectAccount="4*" OR ObjectAccount="5*"
| eval Sales=if(ObjectAccount="411010",DomesticAmount,0), Costs=if(like(ObjectAccount,"5%"),DomesticAmount,0)
| stats sum(Sales) as Sales, sum(Costs) as Costs
| eval CM=Sales+Costs
| eval CMPer=(CM/Sales)*100
Also, I noticed that I can not put a by statement after the eval, should I only include it in the stats section and how will I be able to categorize the CMPer by another value?
@tonahoyos, I think you need to reevaluate what you are trying to perform with your query.
1) Your base search is looking for all ObjectAccount starting with 4*
, however, in your stats you are performing a sum of DomesticAmount
only for ObjectAccount 411010
for calculating Sales
. Remaining are set to 0.
So you should ideally filter for ObjectAccount="411010"
in base search rather than "4*"
2) Also if you are calculating percent for Sales and Costs and you are converting Sales for everything other than ObjectAccount 411010
as 0, then you will not be able to calculate percent for other Accounts. Percent calculation is indicating that you need only one Account 411010, unless I am misinterpreting the provided information.
3) As a performance tuning tip you should perform eval after stats command. Also by
is applicable on transforming commands like stats
not on eval. The eval command is for expression evaluations like a=b+c etc.
Having said that you can use table
or fields
command to retain only the fields you require in final table. Please try out the following query
source="Dataset_Finance.csv" host="sample" index="dataintegration" sourcetype="SampleFinance" ObjectAccount="411010" OR ObjectAccount="5*"
| stats sum(DomesticAmount) as Sales, sum(DomesticAmount) as Costs by ObjectAccount
| eval Sales=if(ObjectAccount="411010",Sales,0), Costs=if(match(ObjectAccount,"^5"),Costs,0)
| eval CM=Sales+Costs
| eval CMPer=(CM/Sales)*100
| table ObjectAccount CMPer
PS: Notice above that :
1) I have filtered only ObjectAccount="411010" in my base search.
2) I have used by ObjectAccount
in stats function.
3) Also the eval for Sales and Cost is after eval.
4) Cost uses match()
function to use regular expression based pattern matching to find any ObjectAccount starting with 5.
If you want to use your own query, you just need to add the following command to your existing search (since you do not have ObjectAccount in your stats
| table CMPer
@tonahoyos, I think you need to reevaluate what you are trying to perform with your query.
1) Your base search is looking for all ObjectAccount starting with 4*
, however, in your stats you are performing a sum of DomesticAmount
only for ObjectAccount 411010
for calculating Sales
. Remaining are set to 0.
So you should ideally filter for ObjectAccount="411010"
in base search rather than "4*"
2) Also if you are calculating percent for Sales and Costs and you are converting Sales for everything other than ObjectAccount 411010
as 0, then you will not be able to calculate percent for other Accounts. Percent calculation is indicating that you need only one Account 411010, unless I am misinterpreting the provided information.
3) As a performance tuning tip you should perform eval after stats command. Also by
is applicable on transforming commands like stats
not on eval. The eval command is for expression evaluations like a=b+c etc.
Having said that you can use table
or fields
command to retain only the fields you require in final table. Please try out the following query
source="Dataset_Finance.csv" host="sample" index="dataintegration" sourcetype="SampleFinance" ObjectAccount="411010" OR ObjectAccount="5*"
| stats sum(DomesticAmount) as Sales, sum(DomesticAmount) as Costs by ObjectAccount
| eval Sales=if(ObjectAccount="411010",Sales,0), Costs=if(match(ObjectAccount,"^5"),Costs,0)
| eval CM=Sales+Costs
| eval CMPer=(CM/Sales)*100
| table ObjectAccount CMPer
PS: Notice above that :
1) I have filtered only ObjectAccount="411010" in my base search.
2) I have used by ObjectAccount
in stats function.
3) Also the eval for Sales and Cost is after eval.
4) Cost uses match()
function to use regular expression based pattern matching to find any ObjectAccount starting with 5.
If you want to use your own query, you just need to add the following command to your existing search (since you do not have ObjectAccount in your stats
| table CMPer