Our splunk is running on RHEL 7 as a non-root user. Splunk is behind firewall and i configured proxy settings. As soon as i enter my splunk credentials for installing any app in "Browse more apps" section, splunk gets crashed everytime. I see following in crash log.
Received fatal signal 6 (Aborted).
Signal sent by PID 18714 running under UID 40586.
Crashing thread: TcpChannelThread
RIP: [0x00007F436326C1F7] gsignal + 55 (libc.so.6 + 0x351F7)
RDI: [0x000000000000491A]
RSI: [0x0000000000005DA9]
RBP: [0x00007F43633B7E68]
RSP: [0x00007F43475FCFC8]
RAX: [0x0000000000000000]
RBX: [0x00007F4364879000]
RDX: [0x0000000000000006]
R8: [0x0000000000000148]
R9: [0xFEFEFEFF092D6364]
R10: [0x0000000000000008]
R11: [0x0000000000000202]
R12: [0x0000559FD2F96158]
R13: [0x0000559FD3074D40]
R14: [0x00007F43475FD1F0]
R15: [0x00007F43620F786A]
EFL: [0x0000000000000202]
TRAPNO: [0x0000000000000000]
ERR: [0x0000000000000000]
CSGSFS: [0x0000000000000033]
OLDMASK: [0x0000000000000000]
OS: Linux
Arch: x86-64
Backtrace (PIC build):
[0x00007F436326C1F7] gsignal + 55 (libc.so.6 + 0x351F7)
[0x00007F436326D8E8] abort + 328 (libc.so.6 + 0x368E8)
[0x00007F4363265266] ? (libc.so.6 + 0x2E266)
[0x00007F4363265312] ? (libc.so.6 + 0x2E312)
[0x0000559FD22C31C4] ZN21HttpClientTransaction15_handleRedirectEv + 852 (splunkd + 0x11B31C4)
[0x0000559FD22C3932] _ZN21HttpClientTransaction18_finishTransactionEv + 354 (splunkd + 0x11B3932)
[0x0000559FD22C47C3] _ZN20HttpClientConnection10parseReplyEPKcS1 + 1747 (splunkd + 0x11B47C3)
[0x0000559FD22C58C0] _ZN20HttpClientConnection13dataAvailableEv + 160 (splunkd + 0x11B58C0)
[0x0000559FD2360B88] _ZN11TcpOutbound6_do_ioE18PollableDescriptor + 440 (splunkd + 0x1250B88)
[0x0000559FD2361C01] _ZN11TcpOutbound11when_eventsE18PollableDescriptor + 33 (splunkd + 0x1251C01)
[0x0000559FD22AA9B6] _ZN8PolledFd8do_eventEv + 134 (splunkd + 0x119A9B6)
[0x0000559FD22AB8BB] _ZN9EventLoop3runEv + 651 (splunkd + 0x119B8BB)
[0x0000559FD23623B0] _ZN15TcpOutboundLoop3runEv + 16 (splunkd + 0x12523B0)
[0x0000559FD22C1712] _ZN21HttpClientTransaction22runSyncAndShutdownLoopEP15TcpOutboundLoop + 50 (splunkd + 0x11B1712)
[0x0000559FD22C17D5] _ZN21HttpClientTransaction7runSyncEv + 69 (splunkd + 0x11B17D5)
[0x0000559FD2235B41] _ZN18ApplicationUpdater20fetchUpdateFileByUriERK7FullUriRK3StrR28ApplicationUpdateTransaction + 145 (splunkd + 0x1125B41)
[0x0000559FD2235FB5] _ZN18ApplicationUpdater20fetchUpdateFileByUriERK7FullUriRK3StrR8Pathnameb + 357 (splunkd + 0x1125FB5)
[0x0000559FD20FF3AC] _ZN21LocalAppsAdminHandler13handleInstallER10ConfigInfoPK3StrS4_b + 2652 (splunkd + 0xFEF3AC)
[0x0000559FD20FF9ED] _ZN21LocalAppsAdminHandler12handleCreateER10ConfigInfo + 253 (splunkd + 0xFEF9ED)
[0x0000559FD1DF980C] _ZN14MConfigHandler14executeHandlerER10ConfigInfo + 620 (splunkd + 0xCE980C)
[0x0000559FD1E09C7D] _ZN14MConfigHandler2goER10ConfigInfo + 189 (splunkd + 0xCF9C7D)
[0x0000559FD1E0A844] _ZN29AdminManagerReplyDataProvider2goEv + 804 (splunkd + 0xCFA844)
[0x0000559FD1EA3078] _ZN33ServicesEndpointReplyDataProvider9rawHandleEv + 88 (splunkd + 0xD93078)
[0x0000559FD1E98B2F] _ZN18RawRestHttpHandler10getPreBodyEP21HttpServerTransaction + 31 (splunkd + 0xD88B2F)
[0x0000559FD22D9FE0] _ZN32HttpThreadedCommunicationHandler11communicateER17TcpSyncDataBuffer + 272 (splunkd + 0x11C9FE0)
[0x0000559FD19180B3] _ZN16TcpChannelThread4mainEv + 227 (splunkd + 0x8080B3)
[0x0000559FD2363440] _ZN6Thread8callMainEPv + 64 (splunkd + 0x1253440)
[0x00007F4363601E25] ? (libpthread.so.0 + 0x7E25)
[0x00007F436332F34D] clone + 109 (libc.so.6 + 0xF834D)
Linux / gssit-devops-qa / 3.10.0-693.1.1.el7.x86_64 / #1 SMP Thu Aug 3 08:15:31 EDT 2017 / x86_64
Last few lines of stderr (may contain info on assertion failure, but also could be old):
2017-10-05 16:38:25.291 -0400 Interrupt signal received
2017-10-05 16:40:18.548 -0400 splunkd started (build 4b804538c686)
2017-10-05 16:44:46.866 -0400 Interrupt signal received
2017-10-05 16:46:48.163 -0400 splunkd started (build 4b804538c686)
2017-10-05 22:55:50.030 -0400 Interrupt signal received
2017-10-05 22:57:42.807 -0400 splunkd started (build 4b804538c686)
splunkd: /home/build/build-src/kimono/src/util/HttpClientRequest.cpp:1860: void HttpClientTransaction::_handleRedirect(): Assertion _redirectReply == REPLY_EATING_NORMAL' failed.
2017-10-05 23:02:25.471 -0400 splunkd started (build 4b804538c686)
splunkd: /home/build/build-src/kimono/src/util/HttpClientRequest.cpp:1860: void HttpClientTransaction::_handleRedirect(): Assertion _redirectReply == REPLY_EATING_NORMAL' failed.
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