Character Name: Piper BreksMajoris Character Race: Gnome, Sub: Deep Gnome Character Class(es) Wizard A bit of your character’s background Piper, more commonly called Pipes, uses his intelligence boost to filter the world around him into useable data for mental processing. He was traveling through the land about 6 months ago and befriended an Asamir named Cabriel at a local pub. While, one would not think these two would get along, they bonded over their love for Jameson, crude humor, and cutting wit and humor. Cabriel told of great Quests fought with groups past, and Pipes has set out to find a similar group to embark on his next quest. A bit about your preferred playing style(s) I prefer more ranged, or spell-casting work, hence the Wizard class. I've never ran a Gnome Wizard before, and thought it might be fun to build the character and give it a run. What else should we know? Why should we pick you to play? I'm very entertaining, and I'm always the one in the party to crack jokes, which at times can turn the quests in interesting directions should I offend the wrong beast or person during the encounter. I had an absolute blast taking part in the last Dungeons and Datamonsters, and am extremely excited to potentially participate again. I'm also flexible in character creation based on group needs while this is a suggested character to run I also had an absolute blast running my Aasimar, Cabriel, in the last campaign and may also consider reprising that character if it may be better suited as a need for the party. Also shoutout to @hos_2 aka Parser Index from the last campaign had a great time playing with you, and would love to do so again.
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