I have a extremely slow search and I cannot understand why it is so. I'd appreciate any pointers.
Hardware is not a problem, nor is the data volume. The search runs to 100% (in the web gui) in 5-10 minutes then spends approximately 1 hour before it changes from 100% to the Finished state.
I suspect the culprit is the mvexpand command because when I check the dispatch folder for the search I find ~20 mvexpand_1, mvexpand_2, etc files of approx 100-200MB in size. From what I can tell Splunk seems to be reading/writing to these files the whole time. Longer the search duration the more of those files are present and the longer this stage takes.
Is this normal for mvexpand or am I doing things in an inefficient manner?
Sample data (all on a single line):
<date> senderA@myCompany.com recipientA@myCompany.com;recipientB@myCompany.com;recipient@outside.com 1048576183
Search command:
... | makemv delim=";" recipient_address
| mvexpand recipient_address
| eval sender_msgtype=if(match(sender_address,"@myCompany.com$"),"internal","external")
| search sender_msgtype="internal"
| eval recipient_msgtype=if(match(recipient_address,"@myCompany.com$"),"internal","external")
| eval msgtype=recipient_msgtype
| bucket total_bytes span=1048576
| timechart span=1d usenull=f useother=t count(eval(msgtype="external")) by total_bytes where total_bytes>0
Running Splunk 4.1.6 on Windows 2008 R2
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