I'm not able to download the Visio stencils linked above using IE8 on Win7. Windows Explorer generates an error because the downloaded zip file is corrupt.
Downloads properly when using Firefox though.
Thanks to ftk for pointing out that the file wasn't corrupt & providing an alternate download link.
Updated icon sets now available in Visio 2010, Visio 2002, and Omnigraffle, plus an icon style guide!
I am receiving the error "unrecoverable zip file read error" when tying to dll form the wiki. I am using IE 8 on XP. The mediafire link is not working.
Works great in OmniGraffle Pro for Mac too.
Thanks to Rachel (splunk docu team) for the Visio stencils.
Looks like wiki link is working again!
The link in this answer no longer works. But the wiki link in the question works again... FYI
Thanks, your linked works like a charm. I'll update my question reflect that I had a problem downloading from the wiki.