I have logs that come in the following format:
Sep 1 2014 12:00:00 UTC [13defc34] Client connected on IP
Sep 1 2014 12:00:30 UTC [ac21bf43] Client connected on IP
Sep 1 2014 12:01:15 UTC [13defc34] username 'johnsmith'
Sep 1 2014 12:01:30 UTC [13defc34] Authentication Failed: invalid username/password
Sep 1 2014 12:01:40 UTC [ac21bf43] username 'billsmith'
Sep 1 2014 12:01:55 UTC [ac21bf43] Authentication Succeeded: Assigned internal IP:
Sep 1 2014 12:02:35 UTC [13defc34] Session terminated unsuccessfully: bytes_in=1231 bytes_out=2134
Sep 2 2014 20:30:55 UTC [ac21bf43] Session terminated successfully: bytes_in=12213211 bytes_out=21323334
As you can see, I don't have the necessary details for the session in every line. In the case of user johnsmith, session '13defc34', the first entry shows his external_ip, second shows his username, third is a failed authentication, and lastly an entry identifying the end of the session with bytes statistics. This causes problems for me seeing that I have to transaction or eventstats every time i want to look for a successful authentication, ended session, authentication fails, etc.
I have preferred eventstats thus far, but i am starting to notice a significant flaw when using that. For instance, lets say I have a 24 hour search looking for bytes data, by using eventstats to associate the username and external IP address from earlier events. Well, if run this soon after billsmith's session is terminated, I won't be able to catch this result. Why? because his authentication happened the previous day, outside the 24 hour search window, and will not be able to associate his username or external IP.
My question is this: Is there a way in Splunk to associate main session details (user, externalIP, internalIP, etc.) with any subsequent event that comes in after that with that same sessionID? I'm fairly certain at this point that it cannot be done at search time for the same reason eventstats will not work for me.(Again, since some of the logs with these details could be outside of my search window).
I've looked into summary indexing, data models, and tscollect/tstats(Still not exactly clear how this works), and I cannot figure out a way to handle this data.
Bonus!: It would also be very helpful to add a field to every log of a session, identifying the status of the session at that instance. For example, once we have session details identifying the user and externalIP, the status would be set to "Pre-Authentication". Once splunk sees a log containing an internalIP, this status would change to something such as "Active" or "In-Progress". And this would end with a status of "Terminated Successfully" or "Terminated Unsuccessfully" at the last line identifying the bytes details.
Thanks in advance for any help!
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