Hi @Hemant1,
I didnt understand your question, maybe if you put it in a text it would be easier. But I took a shot at improving your search, try this :
index=vmware* (sourcetype=vmware:perf:cpu OR sourcetype=vmware:perf:mem) source=*virtual*
|bin span=5m _time
| stats avg(p_average_cpu_usage_percent) as "cpuUsage", avg(p_average_mem_usage_percent) as "memUsage" by moid,host,_time
| lookup Entity moid AS moid, host AS host OUTPUTNEW lowername
| stats count(eval(cpuUsage>=85 AND cpuUsage<90 )) as "OverThresholdCpu", count(cpuUsage) as "TotalCountCpu",count(eval(memUsage>=85 AND memUsage<90)) as "OverThresholdMem", count(memUsage) as "TotalCountMem" ,count(eval(cpuUsage>=90)) as "OverThresholdCpu90" ,count(eval(memUsage>=90)) as "OverThresholdMem90" by lowername,host
|eval procentOverMem=if(OverThresholdMem>=2,1,0)
|eval procentOverMem90=if(OverThresholdMem90>=2,1,0)
|eval procentOverCpu90=if(OverThresholdCpu90>=2,1,0)
|eval procentOverCpu=if(OverThresholdCpu>=2,1,0)
| rename lowername as hostName
Also depending if you are okay with running the lookup on the host without the moid field only then this will even run faster :
index=vmware* (sourcetype=vmware:perf:cpu OR sourcetype=vmware:perf:mem) source=*virtual*
|bin span=5m _time
| stats avg(p_average_cpu_usage_percent) as "cpuUsage", avg(p_average_mem_usage_percent) as "memUsage" by host,_time
| stats count(eval(cpuUsage>=85 AND cpuUsage<90 )) as "OverThresholdCpu", count(cpuUsage) as "TotalCountCpu",count(eval(memUsage>=85 AND memUsage<90)) as "OverThresholdMem", count(memUsage) as "TotalCountMem" ,count(eval(cpuUsage>=90)) as "OverThresholdCpu90" ,count(eval(memUsage>=90)) as "OverThresholdMem90" by host
| lookup Entity host OUTPUTNEW lowername
|eval procentOverMem=if(OverThresholdMem>=2,1,0)
|eval procentOverMem90=if(OverThresholdMem90>=2,1,0)
|eval procentOverCpu90=if(OverThresholdCpu90>=2,1,0)
|eval procentOverCpu=if(OverThresholdCpu>=2,1,0)
| rename lowername as hostName
Let me know if that helps please provide some text explanation (not in the title) so I can help you make it even better.
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