Hi Team, Can we get the list of All Glass table in Splunk through query or anyway?
To list the Glass Table Keys and Title you can use:
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/itoa_interface/glass_table report_as=text fields="_key,title"
| eval value=spath(value,"{}")
| mvexpand value
| eval glass_table_id=spath(value, "_key"),
glass_table_title=spath(value, "title")
| fields - value
@Hemant1 can you try the following?
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/itoa_interface/glass_table
While I have not tested, following is the documentation I referred: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ITSI/latest/RESTAPI/ITSIRESTAPIreference#ITOA_Interface
Enter the usercontext and appcontext in place of above two hyphens to be more specific.
@dmarling and I presented on this (and a lot else) at .Conf19 and I can confirm it's what @niketnilay said:
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/itoa_interface/glass_table
@efavreau and you did not tell me about your session 😛 So where is the recording link?
You can see the slides and video here: https://conf.splunk.com/watch/conf-online.html?search=FN1315 🙂
We also posted the queries we featured on github: https://github.com/paychex/Splunk.Conf19