Trying to find the average PlanSize per hour per day.
source="*\\myfile.*" Action="OpenPlan" | transaction Guid startswith=("OpenPlanStart") endswith=("OpenPlanEnd") |
eval PlanSize=case(NumPlanRows>0 AND NumPlanRows<=100, "1. Small", NumPlanRows>100 AND NumPlanRows<=200, "2. Medium", NumPlanRows >200, "3. Large") |
eval weekday=strftime(_time,"%A") | eval hour=strftime(_time,"%H") |
I would like something like
stats avg(count(PlanSize)) by weekday, hour, PlanSize or some such
Namely, by day of the week, and hour of the day, what is the average count of each variety of plan size being opened?
I can't seem to find any syntax that works.
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