hi ,
i had the following data which is collected daily price of 50 itesms i.e. TIMESTAMP, CLOSE and SYMBOL
( eg. 31-jan-2018, PRD1, 320
01-Feb-2018, PRD1, 330
31-jan-2018, PRD2, 1500
01-Feb-2018, PRD1, 1520
i need to find all the product whose closing price is lets say greater than 10 day moving average, 30 day moving average etc. )
this query i am writing
input data
| eval Date =strptime(TIMESTAMP, "%d-%b-%Y")
| fieldformat Date=strftime(Date, "%d-%b-%Y")
| sort Date
| trendline sma10(CLOSE) as DMA10
| trendline sma30(CLOSE) as DMA30
| table Date, SYMBOL, CLOSE, DMA10, DMA30
| sort -Date
however this query works well if i write for any one product but calculation fails when data is for both product and sma moving average is also incorrectly calculated
Please suggest the approach
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