So I have an spl query, that does these things: -gets all the values from index=rds_db that is equal to transfer_status to failure -passes all the field values (those eval fields) to service now to create an incident ticket -|snowincidentalert creates tickets. (all those fields before the command are rendered as unusable) -"Incident Number" , "Incident Link", "Correlation ID" are one of those fields that appears after the command -field mapping the Incident Number field to the number field from index=snow_incident -using regex to the description to get the fields needed to supply the email lookup and later the email integration (source_sys_name, target_sys_name) -using source_sys_name to map the email_group field which is on the email_lookup -creating a case condition that will match the group to the correct email - table the fields needed so to use this as a parameter for the email integration and send those emails All of these query is located inside of an alert that will be triggered real-time. In our requirements, we need to be able to create new tickets. In my spl query, I just indicated the correlation id so I will not be able to create new ticket and flood the service now db with tickets. My problem is if I dont declare the correlation_id, it doesnt match the incident number that the |snowincidentalert have given. All I know that was working is up to the |rename "Incident Number" as number. After that, it doesn't show any results. p.s the email alert integration works fine also. It just doesn't give me an email if I remove the correlation_id ----------------------------------- index="rds_db" | eval D1=if(transfer_status="Succesful transfer of file from EKS", "Success", "Failure") | where D1="Failure" | rename interface_id as "Service ID", priority as "Priority", source_sys_name as "Source", target_sys_name as "Target", integration_name as IntegrationName | table "Service ID", "Service Name", "Priority", "Source", "Target", "D1", IntegrationName | eval state="1" | eval configuration_item=Source | eval cmdb_ci=Source | eval contact_type="Splunk ServiceNow Add-on" | eval assignment_group=Source | eval category="Application Software" | eval subcategory="File_Data_Report" | eval impact="2" | eval urgency="2" | eval priority="2" | eval short_description="No ".IntegrationName." Received" | eval custom_fields="u_company=testCompany||comments=Here is my comment||description=".Source.": No ".IntegrationName." Received on [Event Date] by ".Target | eval account="ServiceNow_account" | eval correlation_id="bda390dfaf3243328a8994022b45d7a3" |snowincidentalert | rename "Incident Number" as number | join number [search index=snow_incident] | rex field=dv_description "(?<source_sys_name>.+): No (?<integration_name>.+) Received on \[Event Date\] by (?<target_sys_name>.+)" | table dv_description number dv_assignment_group source_sys_name target_sys_name integration_name | lookup email_lookup email_group as source_sys_name OUTPUT email_group | eval email_group_address_source=case(email_group=="NCTracks", "",email_group=="PHP-AMHC", "", email_group=="", "",email_group=="Analytics", "",email_group=="Enrollment Broker", "") | lookup email_lookup email_group as target_sys_name OUTPUT email_group | eval email_group_address_target=case(email_group=="NCTracks", "",email_group=="PHP-AMHC", "", email_group=="", "",email_group=="Analytics", "",email_group=="Enrollment Broker", "") | eval incident_link="".number | table number incident_link source_sys_name target_sys_name email_group_address_source email_group_address_target -----------------------------------
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