Hi bgill0123, in order to get an overview of the data ingestion rates by host you can use this example: index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd fwdType=* group=tcpin_connections(connectionType=cooked OR connectionType=cookedSSL)
| timechart minspan=30s avg(eval(tcp_KBps)) as "KB/s", avg(tcp_eps) as "Events/s" by hostname Additionally if you are using the Monitoring Console you can find desired information here: https://<your_MC>:8000/en-GB/app/splunk_monitoring_console/forwarder_deployment In order to only get the the dramatically increased ingestion-rates you need to define what "dramatic" means. If we are going with "double" == "dramatic" then we can run the following example: index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd "group=tcpin_connections" ("connectionType=cooked" OR "connectionType=cookedSSL") earliest="-2d@d" latest=@d
| fields hostname, tcp_KBps
| bin _time span=1h
| stats max(eval(tcp_KBps)) as "max_kbs" by _time, hostname
| stats avg(max_kbs) as avg_max_kbs latest(max_kbs) as latest_max_kbs by hostname
| eval dramatic_threshold=avg_max_kbs*2
| eval dramatic=if(latest_max_kbs>dramatic_threshold,"true","false")
| where dramatic=="true" This will give you a list of hosts where in the last 1h there was a peak higher than the average peaks in the last 2 days. This can be modified to calculate the Volume as well. ----- Hope this helps. If this answer helped you, please upvote/mark as resolution. Kind, Florian
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