We've had several changes going on to some dashboards I've been doing, including new data. Where we used to be dealing with only PRD data, we're adding some TST data activity as well. The chart I'm trying to do is a to show counts of activity by PRD and TST, stacked, for each of our 3 current users over the last 7 months. We want an at a glance view of how much work is being done, by whom and where, and how one user compares to the other. I can do it as separate charts, but it can be confusing. 1 person's count scale peaks at 25 where the other peaks at 66, so if you don't look at the fine print, User A doesn't look like they are doing a third of the work of User B. I've tried several variations of charts, timecharts, etc., but either they don't work, combine PRD/TST into one total or they don't stack. Best result for me would be one column (or bar if need be) per user per month, with two separate totals for PRD and TST counts, stacked on each other.
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