index=XXXX sourcetype=XXXX ("filename1" OR "filename2" OR filename3) | rex "(?<status>passed) request\=\[\/\w+\/(?<to_DST_Filename>.*.txt)\.\w+\." | rex "(?<status>orig) request\=\[(?<to_DST_Filename1>.*.txt)\.\w+\." | eval to_DST_Filename = coalesce(to_DST_Filename,to_DST_Filename1) | fields _time to_DST_Filename | eval Staus_1 = if(substr(to_DST_Filename,3,4)="hold","Duplicate","Transferred") | eval Status1 = if(like(to_DST_Filename,"%dup%"),"Duplicate","Transferred") | eval Status = coalesce(Status_1,Status1) | fields _time to_DST_Filename Status | table _time to_DST_Filename Status | rename _time as "Time_Sent_by_SI" | convert ctime(Time_Sent_by_SI) | dedup to_DST_Filename | search to_DST_Filename!="" AND Status=Transferred In the above search the three files "filename1" OR "filename2" OR "filename3" will not always have results. I'm looking for the results like, if any file is not shown in the results, result will be show with file name and status=pending. Looking for Results like below: Filename Status filename1 Transferred filename2 Transferred filename3 Pending
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