Thank It workt, I also try to do some thing els to get the totaal percentage of this values :
SuspendedEV, Preparing, Error, Finishing, SuspendedEVSE, Unavailable
and show it as "others",
So I want this as a result :
status percent
Idle 66.049679
X 28.704325
others 5.245997
I try that but not working:
"Set status * for charging point"
| rex "charging point\s*(?P<charging_point>.*)"
| rex "Set status\s*(?P<status>.*?,*)\s"
| eval status=if(like(status,"Charg%"),"X",status)
| eval status=if(like(status,"SuspendedEV","Preparing","Error","Finishing","SuspendedEVSE","Unavailable"),"total",status)
| dedup charging_point
| top limit=20 status
| fields status, percent
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