I'm working on a similar query and I much appreciate what you've both done here. I've worked up this:
| lookup geoip clientip |dedup userID, client_city| eval location=clientip."- ".client_city.", ".client_region.", ".client_country| stats last(client_lat) as Lat1, last(client_lon) as Lon1, first(client_lat) as Lat2, first(client_lon) as Lon2, values(location) dc(client_city) as distinctCount by userID| where distinctCount = 2 | eval distance=sqrt(pow(Lat1-Lat2,2)+pow(Lon1-Lon2,2))|sort distance desc
I've gotten it to work when a user has had 2 different IPs. using first & last precludes more though. Still trying to work on that.
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