Nowadays, we have indexed multiline events and when we search, for example, in a time windows of today, Splunk needs a lot of time. We need to use this information to create a realtime alert, and we need to reduce the time spend searching results.
The multiline event has between 150 and 250 lines, but we only need 10 lines, and if we can filter and keep, only these lines we could have a high improvement.
The problem is that only the first line has the time, and if we index the events split by line, the events are indexed not in order, because the events write in log very close in time, and we can't know the relationship with each other.
Anybody knows any solution to index only the lines that we want in order?
One example of an event is:
09:58:12:859 DATA (82373276236368) = {
request: 1111, type: 'x' - [238.11025]->{ [238.12] [238.28] [238.29] } (0)
userType = 6
DataReply (456476567560) = {
request: 221212, type: 'x' - [233.10]->233.44
userType = 6
<---------- REPLY ---------->
Fixed fields = { key : 0 - no : 995 - typeMessage: 88 'O' - classOrder : 'O'
typeReply : 65 'A' - index : 243376 - nbRequestReply : 1
Record (54353453) = {
0 (aa) = "VALUE1"
1 (bb) = "VALUE2"
2 (cc) = "VALUE3"
51 (abv) = "VALUE4"
52 (sdf) = "VALUE5"
53 (erf) = "VALUE6"
240 (wer) = "VALUE7"
241 (tyr) = "VALUE8"
242 (yhr) = "VALUE9"
In this example, we only want first line with the hour, the line with request, and lines with codes: 1, 52, 241 and 242.
We are waiting for any help
Thanks in advance
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