This does work with the latest version of sysmon (10.42 at the moment).
I did have to make a few changes to enable this:
download the latest version of sysmon, extract all the files into TA-sysmon-deploy\bin ( should be sysmon.exe, sysmon64.exe, and eula)
edit the deploy.bat file, replace all of the instances of "System Monitor v8.00" with "System Monitor v10.42"
generate an updated config.xml file for this version, you can pull the latest updates from the git repo ""
I did get some errors at times in the script where it would report a failure on upgrading the sysmon executable, but when I manually verified, the installation was successful and it was a false negative.
you will probably need to restart the splunkforwarder service after each sysmon upgrade, as the forwarder doesn't pick up the new event log entries without a restart.
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