As others already stated - it's a bit vague requirement. "Gather all data and present it in a readable format" at first glance reads for me as "print all raw events Splunk is receiving" which is kinda impossible for a human to read and a bit pointless too. If you want to get some aggregate to gather insight what _kinds_ of data and _where from_ Splunk is getting data you'll have to be a bit creative since - as you already noticed, if you simply do an overall tstats with split by source, sourcetype and host, you'll get a load of results but they will also make not much sense. You need to do some "half-manual" filtering like aggregating file sources by path or even overall by sourcetype. How much of it you have to do will vary depending on your actual data. In some cases you can simply do some tweaking with SPL, maybe matching some sources to regex, maybe just adding all sources or all hosts by sourcetype... In smaller cases you might just get away with exporting results to CSV and a bit of manual tweaking in Excel to get the reasonable results.
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