Using dashboard studio i have my data source for one panel then a chained datasource for another panel. The first panel is a barchart of counts by day, the second is a moving average. Trying to overlay the moving average on top of the barchart. Have done this in classic using overlays, but in studio dont know how to reference the chained datasource results in the first panel. For example my bar chart visualization code looks like this. In overlay fields i tried to explicitly reference the data source name but doesnt seem to work.
i know both queries/data sources are working as my base search works and my chained search works when show in separate panels.
"type": "splunk.column",
"dataSources": {
"primary": "ds_C2wKdHsA"
"title": "Per Day Count",
"options": {
"y": "> primary | frameBySeriesNames('NULL','_span','_spandays')",
"legendTruncation": "ellipsisOff",
"legendDisplay": "off",
"xAxisTitleVisibility": "hide",
"xAxisLabelRotation": -45,
"yAxisTitleVisibility": "hide",
"overlayFields": "$chaineddatasource_ByDayMA:result.gpsreHaltedJobsMA$",
"axisY2.enabled": true,
"dataValuesDisplay": "all"
"showProgressBar": false,
"showLastUpdated": false,
"context": {}
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