I'm not exactly sure what I need here. I have a multiselect: <input type="multiselect" token="t_resource">
<choice value="*">All</choice>
<search base="base_search">
<query>| dedup resource | table resource</query> Table visual search: | search status_code $t_code$ resource $t_resource$ HourBucket = $t_hour$
| bin _time span=1h
| stats count(status_code) as StatusCodeCount by _time, status_code, resource
| eventstats sum(StatusCodeCount) as TotalCount by _time, resource
| eval PercentageTotalCount = round((StatusCodeCount / TotalCount) * 100, 2)
| eval 200Flag = case(
status_code=200 AND PercentageTotalCount < 89, "Red",
status_code=200 AND PercentageTotalCount < 94, "Yellow",
status_code=200 AND PercentageTotalCount <= 100, "Green",
1=1, null)
| eval HourBucket = strftime(_time, "%H")
| table _time, HourBucket, resource, status_code, StatusCodeCount, PercentageTotalCount, 200Flag I also have a table, sample data below: _time resource 1/10/2024 Red 1/10/2024 Green When the user select the multiselect dropdown and selects "ALL" (which is the default) the resource column should aggregate all the resource and display the resource as "All". But If the user select individual resources, such as "Red" and "Green" these should be shown and broken down by resource.
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