So I have this query that creates and incident if there is 7 outlier in the last 15 minutes:
| streamstats time_window=15m current=true reset_after=(propOutlier=7) sum(isOutlier) as propOutlier by InterfaceName
| eval isIncident = if(propOutlier=7, 1, 0 )
| eventstats max(isIncident) as hasIncident by InterfaceName
| where hasIncident=1
Now i would like the add to "isIncident" the situation where there has been 5 outliers, repeteadly, in the last 3 time window of 15 minutes. If there has been 5 outliers in the last 15min window, I do not care. But if this happens 3 times in a row, it is a problem for me. Can anyone help? Thank you
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