Activity Feed
- Got Karma for Re: The Client forwarder management not showing the clients. 08-14-2024 09:02 AM
- Karma Re: The Client forwarder management not showing the clients for AAlhabba. 02-13-2024 06:32 AM
- Posted Re: The Client forwarder management not showing the clients on Deployment Architecture. 02-13-2024 06:31 AM
- Posted Re: The Client forwarder management not showing the clients on Deployment Architecture. 02-12-2024 01:24 PM
- Posted Splunk 9.0.4 Custom Attachment Name for Emails from Saved Search on Alerting. 03-30-2023 12:51 PM
Topics I've Started
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06:31 AM
1 Karma
Applying the stanza you referenced below worked for us as well: [indexAndForward]
index = true
selectiveIndexing = true Thanks!
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01:24 PM
We are experiencing the same thing. The clients are showing up in the client_events logs checking in and phoning home on the deployment server. But after updating to 9.2 they aren't appearing under the Settings>Forwarder Management page on the DS. We have not made any changes to the forwarders yet.
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12:51 PM
I need to change the format of the name of the .csv attachments on reports from my organization's saved searches. I've gone through the older solutions but they don't seem to be valid anymore. The goal is when a report sends an email with a .csv attachment to have the timestamp be "$name$-$time:%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S$" instead of just "$name$-$time:%Y-%m-%d". Neither setting the reportFileName in alert_actions.conf or adding an line to the saved search itself is changing the name of the file. Is there a workaround for Splunk 9?
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alert action