Undesrtood. Now I tried to eval two new fields that would be the percentage of Palo Alto Logins and Total Logins, and them I used the transpose to return rows as columns. Is this the results you expect? index="okta" "outcome.result"=SUCCESS displayMessage="User single sign on to app"
| stats dc(actor.alternateId) as "Total Logins"
| join [ | search index="okta" "target{}.displayName"="Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Access" "outcome.result"=SUCCESS displayMessage="User single sign on to app"
| stats dc(actor.alternateId) as "Total Palo Logins"]
| table "Total Palo Logins", "Total Logins"
| eval "Total Palo Logins Percentage" = round("Total Palo Logins"*100/"Total Logins", 2)
| eval "Total Logins Percentage" = 100 - round("Total Palo Logins"*100/"Total Logins", 2)
| table "Total Palo Logins Percentage", "Total Logins Percentage"
| transpose Don't know if this was the best way to calculate the percentage, but It seems to be working.
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