I lifted this from somewhere - might have been SoS. It's got cosmetics you probably don't need and it returns data for all types of forwarders, not just UFs. Anyhow, here it is:
index="_internal" source="*metrics.lo*" group=tcpin_connections | dedup guid| eval sourceHost=if(isnull(hostname), sourceHost,hostname) | eval connectionType=case(fwdType=="uf","universal forwarder", fwdType=="lwf", "lightweight forwarder",fwdType=="full", "heavy forwarder", connectionType=="cooked" or connectionType=="cookedSSL","Splunk forwarder", connectionType=="raw" or connectionType=="rawSSL","legacy forwarder")| eval build=if(isnull(build),"n/a",build) | eval version=if(isnull(version),"pre 4.2",version) | eval guid=if(isnull(guid),sourceHost,guid) | eval os=if(isnull(os),"n/a",os)| eval arch=if(isnull(arch),"n/a",arch) | table sourceHost connectionType sourceIp sourceHost ssl ack build version os arch guid
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