I found this in the splunkd.log on one of the splunk indexers at the time of the error message 10-18-2022 11:00:17.141 +0000 ERROR SearchProcessRunner [2379030 PreforkedSearchesManager-0] - preforked process=0/437059 hung up 10-18-2022 11:00:17.163 +0000 WARN SearchProcessRunner [2379030 PreforkedSearchesManager-0] - preforked process=0/437059 status=killed, signum=9, signame="Killed", coredump=0, utime_sec=1.672967, stime_sec=0.285628, max_rss_kb=207912, vm_minor=72863, fs_r_count=6352, fs_w_count=456, sched_vol=407, sched_invol=1431 Is this a Swap memory issue?
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