Hi All, I am looking into using some proxy logs to determine download volume for particular streaming sites and was looking for a way to merge hostnames into one "service". Consider the SPL: index=proxy url=*.streaming-site.com | eval megabytes=round(((bytes_in/1024)/1024),2) | stats sum(megabytes) as Download_MB by url | sort -Download_MB Will likely return multiple rows like: cdn1.streaming-site.com 180.3 cdn2.streaming-site.com 164.8 www.streaming-site.com 12.3 I am wanting to merge those all into one row of streaming-site.com 357.4 I have played around with the coalesce function, but this would be unsustainable for sites like Netflix which have dozens of URLs associated with them. If anyone has any suggestions on how I might combine results with say a wildcard (*), I'd love to hear from you!
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