Background: I like to store the output of a table crypted into another index. example search from user-1: ... | table user,host,_time,eventcode, status | 'macro X' example search from user-2: | table severity,proc,username,dest, source_ip | 'macro X' example search from user-3: | table date_minute,host,index | 'macro X' user-3 search creates this before the macro call: date_minute host index 34 h_a prod 39 h_b prod 44 h_c prod macro X: | .... /| now converting output of table into json field (thanks to this forum!) | appendpipe [ | eventstats count as r_ev | foreach * [ | eval jsonmv_ = if("<<FIELD>>" == "r_ev",jsonmv_ , mvappend(jsonmv_,"'<<MATCHSTR>>':'" + <<FIELD>> + "'") ) ] | eval json_result = "{" + mvjoin(jsonmv_,",") + "}" | fields - jsonmv_ | stats values(json_result) AS table_result by r_ev /## here the field "table_result" for user-3 is a long string: {date_minute:34,host:h_a,index:prod} {date_minute:39,host:h_b,index:prod} {date_minute:44,host:h_c:index:prod} / /| ##crypting the table_result ->output field is table_result_crypted/ | table some_fiels , table_result_crypted | collect index=XXX ] Now I have the result of the user search from the user-1 or user-2 as a json-field crypted in another index. In a dashboard I like to have a table as the user-1 or user-2 or user-3 had: in the beginning: index=XXX | /####decrypting the field into field "tab_res" : I have the same field content as table_result above / | /##removing {} / | rex mode=sed field=tab_res "s/}//g" | rex mode=sed field=tab_res "s/{//g" | eval fields=split(tab_res," ") | mvexpand fields | table fields ---> here I have a table with 3rows, 1 column: date_minute:34,host:h_a,index:prod date_minute:39,host:h_b,index:prod date_minute:44,host:h_c:index:prod but I need to split in a dynamic way the rows into columns not knowing how much fields or lines I will have. Nice would be to have something like this pseudo-code: | split_into_columns delim="," "header:cell_content" Output date_minute host index 34 h_a prod 39 h_b prod 44 h_c prod I tried to split at delim "," (did not work!) and transpose the table.....not working....
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