I am trying to use the following search to make a timechart on security incident sources, but Splunk is reporting zeros for all the counts which I can confirm is NOT accurate at all. I think the issue is because I need to use a different time field for the timeline. Can someone assist me in making this chart work? index=sir sourcetype=sir
| rex field=dv_affected_user "(?<user>[[:alnum:]]{5})\)"
| rex mode=sed field=opened_at "s/\.0+$//"
| rex mode=sed field=closed_at "s/\.0+$//"
| rename opened_at AS Opened_At, closed_at AS "Closed At", number AS "SIR Number", dv_assignment_group AS "Assignment Group", dv_state AS State, short_description AS "Short Description", close_notes AS "Closed Notes", dv_u_organizational_action AS "Org Action", u_concern AS Concern, dv_u_activity_type AS "Activity Type", dv_assigned_to AS "Assigned To"
| eval _time=Opened_At
| eval Source=coalesce(dv_u_specific_source, dv_u_security_source)
| fillnull value=NULL Source
| table Source, _time, "SIR Number"
| timechart span=1mon count usenull=f by Source
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