Below is what I get in the logs now. 05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO DC:DeploymentClient [9488 MainThread] - Starting phonehome thread.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO DS_DC_Common [9488 MainThread] - Deployment Client initialized.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO ServerRoles [9488 MainThread] - Declared role=deployment_client.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO DS_DC_Common [9488 MainThread] - Deployment Server not available on a dedicated forwarder.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO DC:PhonehomeThread [8536 PhonehomeThread] - Phonehome thread start, intervals: handshakeRetry=12.0 phonehome=60.0.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO ClusteringMgr [9488 MainThread] - initing clustering with: ht=60.000 rf=3 sf=2 ct=60.000 st=60.000 rt=60.000 rct=5.000 rst=5.000 rrt=10.000 rmst=600.000 rmrt=600.000 icps=25 sfrt=600.000 pe=1 im=0 ip=0 mob=5 mor=5 mosr=5 pb=5 rep_port= pptr=10 pptrl=100 fznb=10 Empty/Default cluster pass4symmkey=false allow Empty/Default cluster pass4symmkey=true rrt=restart dft=180 abt=600 sbs=1
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO DC:DeploymentClient [8536 PhonehomeThread] - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO ClusteringMgr [9488 MainThread] - clustering disabled
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 WARN SHCConfig [9488 MainThread] - Default pass4symkey is being used. Please change to a random one.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO SHClusterMgr [9488 MainThread] - initing shpooling with: ht=60.000 rf=3 ct=60.000 st=60.000 rt=60.000 rct=5.000 rst=5.000 rrt=10.000 rmst=600.000 rmrt=600.000 pe=1 im=0 is=0 mor=5 pb=5 rep_port= pptr=10
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO SHClusterMgr [9488 MainThread] - shpooling disabled
05-10-2022 11:12:17.140 -0400 INFO WorkloadManager [9488 MainThread] - Workload management cannot be enabled on this system because the feature is not supported. Check the status of workload management preflight checks for additional information.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.155 -0400 INFO loader [9488 MainThread] - win-service: Windows service is now in running state.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.155 -0400 INFO ApplicationLicense [12132 AppLicenseThread] - app license disabled by conf setting.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.233 -0400 INFO loader [9488 MainThread] - SAML cert db registration with KVStore failed
05-10-2022 11:12:17.233 -0400 INFO CertStorageProvider [9488 MainThread] - Updating status from unknown to unknown
05-10-2022 11:12:17.233 -0400 INFO loader [9488 MainThread] - Auth cert db registration with KVStore failed
05-10-2022 11:12:17.233 -0400 INFO CertStorageProvider [9488 MainThread] - Updating status from unknown to unknown
05-10-2022 11:12:17.233 -0400 INFO Rsa2FA [9488 MainThread] - Could not find [externalTwoFactorAuthSettings] in authentication stanza.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.233 -0400 INFO loader [9488 MainThread] - JsonWebToken Manager registration with KVStore failed.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.233 -0400 INFO IndexerInit [11632 SplunkdSpecificInitThread] - running splunkd specific init
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO IntrospectionGenerator:disk_objects [11632 SplunkdSpecificInitThread] - Enabled: disk_objects=false indexes=false volumes=false dispatch=false fishbucket=true partitions=false summaries=false distributedIndexes=false
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO IntrospectionGenerator:disk_objects [11632 SplunkdSpecificInitThread] - I-data gathering (Disk Objects) starting; period=600.000s
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO loader [9488 MainThread] - Initializing from configuration
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO ChunkedLBProcessor [14548 parsing] - Initializing the chunked line breaking processor
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO TcpOutputProc [14548 parsing] - Initializing with fwdtype=lwf
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO TcpOutputProc [14548 parsing] - found Whitelist forwardedindex.0.whitelist , RE : .*
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO TcpOutputProc [14548 parsing] - found Blacklist forwardedindex.1.blacklist , RE : _.*
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO TcpOutputProc [14548 parsing] - found Whitelist forwardedindex.2.whitelist , RE : (_audit|_introspection|_internal|_telemetry)
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO TcpOutputProc [14548 parsing] - Initializing connection for non-ssl forwarding to
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO TcpOutputProc [14548 parsing] - tcpout group group1 using Auto load balanced forwarding
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO AutoLoadBalancedConnectionStrategy [14548 parsing] - Group group1 initialized with maxQueueSize=512000 in bytes.
05-10-2022 11:12:17.249 -0400 INFO AutoLoadBalancedConnectionStrategy [14548 parsing] - Group group1 initialized with autoLBFrequency=30.000
05-10-2022 11:12:29.153 -0400 INFO DC:DeploymentClient [8536 PhonehomeThread] - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected
05-10-2022 11:12:41.165 -0400 INFO DC:DeploymentClient [8536 PhonehomeThread] - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected
05-10-2022 11:12:47.133 -0400 INFO AutoLoadBalancedConnectionStrategy [3212 TcpOutEloop] - Connected to idx=, pset=0, reuse=0.
05-10-2022 11:12:47.242 -0400 INFO ScheduledViewsReaper [12532 DispatchReaper] - Scheduled views reaper run complete. Reaped count=0 scheduled views
05-10-2022 11:12:47.242 -0400 INFO CascadingReplicationManager [12532 DispatchReaper] - Using value for property max_replication_threads=2.
05-10-2022 11:12:47.242 -0400 INFO CascadingReplicationManager [12532 DispatchReaper] - Using value for property max_replication_jobs=5.
05-10-2022 11:12:47.242 -0400 INFO FileAndDirectoryEliminator [12532 DispatchReaper] - Enabled
05-10-2022 11:12:53.178 -0400 INFO DC:DeploymentClient [8536 PhonehomeThread] - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected
05-10-2022 11:13:05.191 -0400 INFO DC:DeploymentClient [8536 PhonehomeThread] - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected
05-10-2022 11:13:06.441 -0400 INFO ProxyConfig [14352 HttpClientPollingThread_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779] - Failed to initialize http_proxy from server.conf for splunkd. Please make sure that the http_proxy property is set as http_proxy=http://host:port in case HTTP proxying needs to be enabled.
05-10-2022 11:13:06.441 -0400 INFO ProxyConfig [14352 HttpClientPollingThread_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779] - Failed to initialize https_proxy from server.conf for splunkd. Please make sure that the https_proxy property is set as https_proxy=http://host:port in case HTTP proxying needs to be enabled.
05-10-2022 11:13:06.441 -0400 INFO ProxyConfig [14352 HttpClientPollingThread_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779] - Failed to initialize the proxy_rules setting from server.conf for splunkd. Please provide a valid set of proxy_rules in case HTTP proxying needs to be enabled.
05-10-2022 11:13:06.441 -0400 INFO ProxyConfig [14352 HttpClientPollingThread_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779] - Failed to initialize the no_proxy setting from server.conf for splunkd. Please provide a valid set of no_proxy rules in case HTTP proxying needs to be enabled.
05-10-2022 11:13:06.456 -0400 INFO HttpPubSubConnection [14352 HttpClientPollingThread_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779] - SSL connection with id: connection_192.168.0.1_8089_SERVER.domain.com_SERVER_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779
05-10-2022 11:13:06.456 -0400 INFO HttpPubSubConnection [14352 HttpClientPollingThread_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779] - Running phone uri=/services/broker/phonehome/connection_192.168.0.1_8089_SERVER.domain.com_SERVER_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779
05-10-2022 11:13:16.985 -0400 INFO AutoLoadBalancedConnectionStrategy [3212 TcpOutEloop] - Found currently active indexer. Connected to idx=, reuse=1.
05-10-2022 11:13:17.204 -0400 INFO HttpPubSubConnection [14352 HttpClientPollingThread_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779] - Running phone uri=/services/broker/phonehome/connection_192.168.0.1_8089_SERVER.domain.com_SERVER_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779
05-10-2022 11:13:17.204 -0400 INFO DC:HandshakeReplyHandler [14352 HttpClientPollingThread_C7BD701A-F102-461C-8FA1-9B5D6DC14779] - Handshake done.
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