Hi Team,
Below is my query:
index=os sourcetype=linux_mpio Firmware_Version="----------------------- DISK INFORMATION --------------------------*" host IN (r3ddclxp00003*) | dedup host
| rex max_match=0 "(?ms)^DISK\=\"(?<DISK>[^\"]+)\"\s+NAME\=\"(?<NAME>[^\"]+)\"\s+HCTL\=\"(?<HCTL>[^\"]+)\"\s+TYPE\=\"(?<TYPE>[^\"]+)\"\s+VENDOR\=\"(?<VENDOR>[^\"]+)\"\s+SIZE\=\"(?<SIZE>[^\"]+)\"\s+SCSIHOST\=\"(?<SCSIHOST>[^\"]+)\"\s+CHANNEL\=\"(?<CHANNEL>[^\"]+)\"\s+ID\=\"(?<ID>[^\"]+)\"\s+LUN\=\"(?<LUN>[^\"]+)\"\s+BOOTDISK\=\"(?<BOOTDISK>[^\"]+)\""
| stats values(_time) AS TIME, values(NAME) as "DISK NAME" , list(SIZE) AS SIZE, list(VENDOR) AS VENDOR, list(LUN) AS LUN, list(BOOTDISK) as BOOTDISK by host | appendcols [search index=os sourcetype=linux_mpio host IN (r3ddclxp00003*) Firmware_Version="------------------------- MULTIPATH STATUS ----------------------------*" | dedup host |rex max_match=0 "^(?<lines>.+)\n+" | eval first_line=mvindex(lines,2,15) | rex field=first_line "^(?<name>\w+)\s+(?<uuid>[^ ]+)" | stats list(name) AS "MPATH" , LIST(uuid) AS UUID BY host ] | table host, "DISK NAME" ,VENDOR SIZE, LUN, UUID , MPATH| rename host as Host, SIZE AS Size, "DISK NAME" AS "Disk Name", VENDOR AS Vendor, LUN AS "LUN ID"
and below is my output:
Would it be possible to add a line break for UUID and MPATH?
For example: can we use an if else condition where in IF VENDOR(1) =LSI then add a line break for UUID so that the appropriate values will be mapped...
Thanks for the help,
Ranjitha N
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