@richgalloway , Your answer is perfectly fine. I have a small problem running the query to replace an extension. To get this right, i am trying to extract a git url in my actual task. The git url looks like below. https://git.mycompany.project.git here, i am trying to remove '.git' from the end of the project url. I am running below command you suggested, to remove '.git' . But there is name 'git' at the beginning of the url as well. | eval foo=replace(JOB_NAME,".git","")."-".JOB_ID The final output is coming like this. expected output: https://git.mycompany.project Actual output: https:/.mycompany.project. I just want to eliminate the .git at the end of the url. Not the first .git from url. Can you please suggest me how to overcome this? Thanks.
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