For example if i would do it in any typical language i would split the param string into a list (or array), and then inserted indexed values into proper positions in message string. So you have a basic set of messages with placeholders...okay where is the problem? You define a lookup with those message and assign an ID...depending on the ID a specific message template is loaded. Now the only thing missing are the values...well those are being retrieved with the same ID and then inserted into the template as demonstrated. Depending on the amount this can be done with CASE or a separate lookup table | makeresults | eval ID = 2 | eval var1 = Case(ID=="1", "11", 1==1, "21") | eval var2 = Case(ID=="1", "12", 1==1, "22") | eval var3 = Case(ID=="1", "13", 1==1, "23") | eval message = Case(ID=="1", "Product [" . $var1$ . "] is on hold in process [" . $var2$ . "] hold description: [" . $var3$ . "]", 1==1, "Material [" . $var1$ . "] already assigned to [" . $var2$ . "]") | table message Please change ID value and append Case options OR create Lookups
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